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An interview with an expert in Audiovisual Communication, do not miss this interesting podcast.
Joan Ferrés
He is a PhD in Information Science and a teacher. He has been a high school teacher. He is currently Professor in Audiovisual Communication Studies at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.
He founded and directed for 11 years (from 1974 to 1985) the Audiovisual Department of Editorial Edebé (Barcelona). In the field of audiovisual production, he has been a screenwriter and/or director of a series of audiovisual montages and didactic videograms, including The Lark and the Frogs (1977), The Point (1979), The Audiovisual Man (1979), The Crying and Light (1983), Per la Pau (1985), Memories of a Coronel (1987), Una llar per als diminïts (1989) , Nous Temps, New Answers (1992)...
Specialist in Audiovisual Communication and Education
Among his publications are: Video and education (Laia, 1988; Paidós 1992), Advertising, Model for Teaching (Akal, 1994), Television and Education (Paidós, 1994), Subliminal Television. Socialization through unnoticed communications (Paidós, 1996), Educating in a culture of spectacle (Paidós, 2000).
He has designed, coordinated and co-written the work Cómo ver la televisión. Teaching material for children and young people (1998), consisting of three videotapes and three books, edited by the Catalan Audiovisual Council.
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